Sofija Rotaru told the Russians: they insist that they do not tempt even with solid fees

Ukrainian-born singer Sofija Rotaru (75 years old) refused to perform for Russians at a company party: the famous singer was not enticed even by the solid sum that the clients wanted to pay for the performance.

According to the Russian model Anna Kalashnikova, S. Rotaru was offered 100,000 euros for the performance, which she refused.

According to A. Kalashnikova, the Ukrainian singer is struggling to survive because of the war in Ukraine.

„She is not in a good mood, because of the ongoing situation, she has completely given up concert activities. I know she was also offered company parties in December. But she categorically refuses. „Sofia Mikhailovna takes everything that happens to heart, it’s hard for her to concentrate,” said the model.

Verta paminėti, kad S. Rotaru visada save laikė apolitiška, tačiau nuo pat Rusijos pradėto karo pradžios ji buvo Ukrainoje, padėjo kariuomenei ir reagavo į visus karo baisumus.

Nors Sofija nėra aktyvi savo socialiniuose tinkluose, moteris ne kartą rodė, ką okupantai daro Ukrainos miestuose.

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